Master A. Robertson
Dan #032249
Name: Master A. Robertson
Date you began training in WTSDA: I began training in September 1994 at Chatteris TSD.
When did you achieve your Black Belt?: I received my Cho Dan (1st Dan Black Belt) in May 2000, my E Dan (2nd Dan Black Belt) in October 2004, my Sam Dan (3rd Dan Black Belt) in October 2008 and my Sah Dan Master (4th Dan Master) in October 2016.
Do you have any previous martial art training?: I began training in WTSDA when I was 5 years old so I had no time to try anything else. However Tang Soo Do is such a broad and varied martial art I have been very lucky to have trained with many different instructors from different styles throughout my TSD career.
What do you like to do outside of TSD?: I enjoy spending time with my family and playing golf.
What are your goals for the future within TSD?: My main goal is to expand MelbournTSD. I already have some great instructors under me within the club and some very good future prospects as well so I am very excited to see them grow and develop their skills as instructors in their own right. I love watching students come up from our Tiny Tigers classes through to the senior grades within the adult ranks and I very much look forward to seeing what the future holds.